Saturday, November 26, 2005



I think Bush's "No child left behind" act sets unrealistic goals for students in the US. As the article states, the test scores are set to the levels of countries like Hong Kong and Singapore. But if you read the newspaper or listen to the news, you hear about students in those countries who commit suicide if they don't achieve the grades that are expected of them or if they don't get into the school their family wants them to enter. Is that the kind of students Bush wants here??? Those students in Asian countries go to school 12 hrs a day. They don't have extra curricular activities unless they are state sponsored and are for competition on the world level. Those students don't have play time or fun time, they feel its a waste of time because they are so driven. Is that what Bush wants, to have students to act like robots like in the 1927 movie by Fritz Lang, METROPOLIS??? Where everyone acts like robots while a big screen with Big Brother watching over them to make sure they are doing their work? Is that the future he wants here?


The US is constantly complaining to other countries about the human rights programs. Yet Bush wants our students to be like those in Asia. In Japan, the country that competes the most with the US on the world market has the highest suicide rate per capita than any other industrialized country.


So, is that the kind of country Bush has plans for?


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