Wednesday, November 23, 2005


whtfucover said...

1. Whose sole obsession in life was to become a U.S. president?

2. What Vice-president had a short expected life span?

3. Who "forced" his way to be JFK's running mate?

4. Who disliked John Kennedy and hated Robert Kennedy?

5. Who knew he would be dumped from the 1964 ticket?

6. Who had several strong motives to kill President Kennedy?

7. Who was among the few people involved in the intimate planning of JFK's Dallas trip?

8. Who ordered the seizure of all evidence after the assassination?

9. Who created the Warren Commission and who did it report to?

10. Whose Commission decided not to release much of the assassination evidence for are lifetime?

11. Who gained the most by President Kennedy's death?

12. Who was the principal culprit in the murder of President John F. Kennedy?

Well, whose obsession was to be President? Johnson.

What VP had the shortest expected life-span? As VP Johnson, because Kennedy was thinking of replacing him on the ticket, next election.

Who forced his way into being Kennedy's running mate? Again Johnson.

Now this next question has many answers, Who disliked John and hated Bobby Kennedy? Well, you have Johnson-who believed Kennedy was a pretty boy whose daddy bought his way into the presidency, J. Edgar Hoover-who, like Johnson, thought Kennedy was too soft and didn't like the fact that John appointed Bobby as Attorney General; Jimmy Hoffa-who Bobby Kennedy had called before a committee investigating organized crime and the Teamsters, who after one of those hearings, was overheard saying that he would see both of the Kennedys in their graves before him. And Allan Dulles, who Kennedy fired as CIA director after the failed Bay of Pigs operation. Any of these people had the means and motive to do the job.

Speaking of Hoffa, it has been rumored that he had planned a meeting with the FBI the day he disappeared because he was finally going to come forward about both assassinations. Its believed that was the reason he disappeared.


At 8:48 AM, Blogger porchwise said...

And...13. He married into wealth.

14. He was from Texas and we all know what that means....


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