Saturday, November 05, 2005


Porchwise said...

He's the fall guy of the cabal and the cabal will not fall because Libby can keep this thing on appeal until the next election (he does have his own money) and then Dubya will pardon him before he gives up the throne. Time is the biggest factor and Libby has time on his side.

I agree he is the fall guy, but like I said earlier, I think Cheney is the "puppet master" here. His big moment as Secretary of Defense, Desert Storm, did follow the UN resolutions and got the Iraqi Army out of Kuwait, but he wanted Saddam himself.

And, General Arnold Schwarzkopf, possibly cost himself his fifth star because during one of his live briefings with the press, when describing his end run around the Iraqi lines said that there was nothing between his forces and Baghdad and if he had his way, he would have marched into Baghdad, got Saddam and ended his reign. And that was the last press conference Schwarzkopf gave. From then on, his second in command conducted the conferences and he was reprimanded because the UN resolutions only called for the removal of Iraqi forces from Kuwait.

With Cheney as VP, that put him into more of a position of power and 9/11 gave him the perfect opportunity to do what he failed at before, get Saddam. Being Cheney's adviser, Libby would know all of this. And if he can stall the trial, maybe even through the rest of the administration, then he would have done what Col. Oliver North did in the Iran/Contra scandal, insulate Cheney from any investigation.


At 9:29 AM, Blogger porchwise said...

"Cabal" by definition is 'a conspiring political clique' and, like I've said before, the good old boys that sit around (in private) and yak about these things are the politicians, and a lot of their conversation is about how to cover their asses...and, if the truth is ever known, the VEEP knew all along what was going on..and down.


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