Friday, November 04, 2005


whtfucover said...

you want the price of oil to come down or our domestic supply to increase? which is it going to be with you drill domestically or further our dependancy on foreign oil? You complain we have ashortage, then when they try to remedy the problem you complain too

They screwed up when they opened up the first Alaskan Pipeline, they should have had an export ban then. Millions of barrels a day came from that pipeline and they shipped to the Middle East to be refined, instead of keeping it here. Which I never understood because they built that pipeline in response to OPEC's cutting production and export in the 1974. SO, if the Middle East wasn't wanting to ship us oil, why in the world did we send them ours??

now, 30 years later they want to do what they should have done then.

I can't find anything on the net about it but I was watching the History Channel, their Modern Marvels show, and they were talking about Alternative fuels. Do you know the Brazil leads the world in Alternative fuels??? They produce cars that run on either gasoline or ethanol. Some run on three different fuel sources. They produce ethanol from the sugar cane and its 40% of their fuel supply. And they are working on fuel cells too. These aren't concept cars for the future, they are on the roads down there in Brazil, right now. So, why is it that a country like the US can't do the same thing?

Something else I was wondering. I worked at Home Depot and all of their forklifts and order pickers worked on propane tanks, or at least thats what they looked like. Why not on cars?


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