Friday, November 04, 2005



With Scooter Libby pleading not guilty and his wanting to go to trial may backfire on the Republican party. With him pleading not guilty, that means he has to introduce evidence that supports it, and some of that evidence is classified documents. For him to do that, these documents have to be gone over and sensitive information blacked out. This will all take time, well into the mid-term elections, keeping the scandal, war and Rove in the news. Something I'm sure the Republicans would like to go away. It probably would have been better for them had Libby just pled guilty and made the matter go away.


At 7:50 AM, Blogger porchwise said...

He's the fall guy of the cabal and the cabal will not fall because Libby can keep this thing on appeal until the next election (he does have his own money) and then Dubya will pardon him before he gives up the throne. Time is the biggest factor and Libby has time on his side.


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