Friday, October 14, 2005



What was touted as a impromptu question and answer session between President Bush and a group of 10 soldiers in Iraq turned out to be a rehearsed, staged event. Watching it as it was occurring, it looked authentic, but later it was shown how one of the President's men had been talking to the soldiers, telling them watch questions to ask and who should ask them. It was a choreographed as a dance recital.
Now I ready knew that the President's press conference are choreographed. Back during Reagan's adminstration, it was revealed how one woman, a famous reporter from the UPI, Helen Thomas, would always as the first question. From her it went to the AP reporter. Then, it went to the three network reporters. When it was time to end the press conference, Helen Thomas could be heard saying "Mr President, one more question." which he would ignore and he would leave the press room.

So, yeah those were set up that way, but Bush's Q and A with the troops was supposed to be off the cuff.


At 9:57 AM, Blogger mojoala said...

It will never be off the cuff. Ever. Scripted events are the norm and the law....

The only time it is not scripted is when it is a Presidential Debate.

Even when reporters ask questions, it's questions that have already been pre screened.

From inside sources, the reporters are placed and the Pres has a cheat sheet on his podium that tells him the order of whom is to point out to ask a question.

Us the public are naive idiots as a whole. We don't have a clue that 99% of the time when the President speaks, it's scripted and 95% of the time it is written by somebody else. That makes me believe that the real president is the one who does the writing....


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