Thursday, October 13, 2005


mojoala said...

Use the current Shuttle. The cargo bay dimensions are 60 feet long by 15 feet in diameter.

The lunar module was 21 feet long by 14 feet. They could make a vessel 30 feet long by 14 feet in diameter. The rest of the space would be used for the Moonauts and supplies and any satellite's they have planned to be put into orbit.

Then when the New Space shuttles are built, which will probably bigger then you can also increase the size of the said vessel.

Again long term is the key and what they want to eventually achieve.

NASA is only looking at the short term goal of getting a man back on the moon, they appear to not be looking at what's next on the plate, building things on the moons surface or below it.

To me it's like walking thru the forest and still living in grass huts.

Well, come out of your grass hut and look at reality. The money it would take the repair and ready the current shuttle for these missions would not be cost effective. Too much has to be done prior to each mission, replace tiles, inspections, replace foam on external tank, inspections.

The inventor of Spaceship One has a better idea as for how astronauts can reach the space station. Burt Rutan showed that his space plane can fly. And there aren't thousands of tiles to inspect and replace. Much more cost efficient.


At 10:55 AM, Blogger mojoala said...

come on kenny, it's still the issue long term goals.

It not just an issue of getting people on the moon, it's an issue of getting supplies and materials there as well.

Let's say you need 100 hundred people to be on the moon to get things started.

(going to use LSM for the vessel for shuttlling to and fro moon and space station.

You only need at most is 5 personnell LSMs and 5 supply LSMs.

For starters 10 shuttle trips are necessary to get the these 10 LSM and the 100 people into space.

And now lets say that all you need is 20 space shuttles full to bring supplies and raw materials for construction on the moon.

How many indidivual rocket trips by other means that would be needed to get the same people and supplies to the moon?

I am estimating about at least 200 trips. If it was done in the same manner as the supposed moon missions of 40 years back. The vessel of 40 years ago could only take 3 into space and land 2 on the moon. Even if they could double that, it would take 1 pilot and 5 passengers, so it would take 20 conventional launches to get 100 people onto the moon. And probably another 200 just to get the supplies and raw materials to the moon.

The question is then: Is 30 shuttle flights still more expensive than 220 conventional launches?

And if you look at using the moon as a construction site for building interplanetary spaceships then you are talking at least a 2000 people and Huge amounts of raw materials. This is King Georges whole reason of going to the moon in the first place. To set up shop for the Mars expedition....


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