Thursday, October 13, 2005


mojoala said...

I did not say I believed the space shuttle is a hoax, I said landing on the moon was a hoax. And still do.

But back to the capsule thing. You're planning on an X number of missions to the moon, lets say 100. Why have 100 individual launches costing god knows what, when you could put 10 of these vessels up there for shuttling between space station and the moon. And in the process utilize the space shuttle to carry the moonauts and supplies to the space station. Especially more so when we are talking about creating a jumping off point for any future manned flights to Mars. Especially more so when they are going to be revamping the Space Shuttle anyway.

Let the current space shuttles and future ones be the backbone of this space network.

I am looking at this from a long range view point not a short range view point.

Okay, that's fine for shuttling back and forth from the space station and the moon, but how do they get to the space station in the first place? There has to be a rocket or shuttle to get them to the station, and that's the costly part. Either disposable rockets or shuttles that need major repairs after every mission. These astronauts aren't going to spontaniously appear on the station and the transporter hasn't been invented yet.


At 9:49 AM, Blogger mojoala said...

Use the current Shuttle. The cargo bay dimensions are 60 feet long by 15 feet in diameter.

The lunar module was 21 feet long by 14 feet. They could make a vessel 30 feet long by 14 feet in diameter. The rest of the space would be used for the Moonauts and supplies and any satelittes they have planned to be put into orbit.

Then when the New Space shuttles are built, which will probably bigger then you can also increase the size of the said vessel.

Again long term is the key and what they want to eventually achieve.

NASA is only looking at the short term goal of getting a man back on the moon, they appear to not be looking at what's next on the plate, building things on the moons surface or below it.

To me it's like walking thru the forest and still living in grass huts.


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