Friday, October 14, 2005


Sgt Fluffy said...

All day yeasterday, from the morning till the time I got home it was billed as a teleconference (it was CNN Radio News) Why the big suprise? Photo op, all the Presidents have done it, but apparently He is the first ever President to have media coverage, oh..and by the way...its all Bush's fault and he is not running in '08

Well, like I said before, I thought all Presidential news conferences were more like a free for all that a well rehearsed show. But then like I said, during Reagan's Adminstration, someone pointed out how Helen Thomas always started and ended each press conference. That was when it was revealed that they do have an organized way of conducting those.

As far as everything the President says is written out for him, not during Reagan's first term in office. He used to drive his staff nuts during press conferences because he would bring up an article on what ever topic they were asking about, and quote from that article. Reagan was a well read President, from Reader's Digest to any other magazine. By his second term, they basically reined in his reading.


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