Thursday, October 27, 2005


Sgt Fluffy said...

But your theory of price caps and suing big oil is how did you say it "punishing a company for making a profit".

I didn't mention price caps or suing. I just think that all those huge profits should benefit someone beside the stockholder. Just like some of those in Washington are suggesting, not build new refineries but to expand amd make improvements on those that already exist. Add to the strategic oil reserve, anything that will benefit the average citizen. Pay my heating cost for this winter. lol.

As it is, I don't want to turn on the heaters because I don't want to pay a huge gas bill, but I dont' want to freeze either.

There is more at stake than the bottomline.


At 12:41 PM, Blogger mojoala said...

Kenny, it's a delicate balance between and not freezing and not turning the heat on....


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