Thursday, October 27, 2005


Sgt Fluffy said... was sarcasm. But....with that said, the 2/3rds water thing. Water is an abundant source...why should we pay for it?

I agree whole heartedly, I wish we could go back to the days of draw wells, where we didn't have to pay for water. After all it comes free from the sky.

And, I think that the whole "global warming" could be solved if the countries around the world would stop the pollution and let the earth heal itself. After all, for millions of years, volcanoes have been throwing ash and dust into the atmosphere, but the sky isn't blacked out. All the record rainfalls could be washing the atmosphere clear and we wouldn't have to worry about "global warming." And the hole in the Ozone laywer will mend itself too. The earth itself has done more polluting itself that we have.


At 12:34 PM, Blogger mojoala said...

I think it takes an ice age to heal itself.


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