Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Sgt Fluffy said...

"This price of bottled water doesn't affect every aspect of our daily lives"

First, we need water to live....shouldn't it be free?

Second, what if a drought came around because of the mythical global warming and water became scarce.....shouldn't it to be controlled like you say oil should be? The supply is scarce, demand is up, how much should we be expected to pay for 20 oz of water???

Unless you're someone who lives in Hollywood and is very famous, bottled water shouldn't be the center of your world. There is this device in your kitchen, you turn the knob and water comes out. Its cheaper and as I posted earlier, contains more minerals and things that are good for you, where bottled water doesnt' and to rid tap water of those bad things that are also there, you can by a filter that will last 3 months and is a heck of a lot cheaper than 3 months worth of bottled water.


At 7:26 AM, Blogger mojoala said...

"mythical global warming"?

We are now seeing Tropical Storm BETA.

Katrina, Rita, and Wilma peaked at record breaking wind levels.

And there is no "El Nino" in the Pacific causing this.

Imagine what the Spring tornadoes will be like!


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