Wednesday, October 26, 2005


karen said...

Do not even Get started on the Bottled water issue!. Ya know evian backwards is it NAIVE. :-) I think people are always going to be up in arms with something!

You were right but you mis-spelled Evian but I corrected it here. Speaking of bottled water I don't know how many of you all watch 60 minutes on Sundays, but a week ago last Sunday, Andy Rooney was doing his piece and it was on bottled water. How everywhere you turn, you can find a woman with a bottle of water. So, out of curiousity, he gathered all the popular brands and took them to a lab to see what was in the water besides water. Out of all the non-flavored water, there was nothing but water, no minerals or vitamins or anything. You get more from your tap water than you do bottled water. SO, Andy Rooney came up with an idea. He wondered if he took a bunch of empty bottles and filled them from the water cooler, how many bottles could he sell of "Andy Rooney's Bottled Water."
By the way. I saw a report a few years ago, and I can't remember where, but one of those famous natural spring waters comes from a faucet "near" a natural spring. I think I saw that on 60 Minutes.


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