Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Sgt Fluffy said...

Do you know why the profit? Because according to the Law of supply and demand, we the consumers set the price on everything we buy. There is a high demand for oil from the US,India and China right now, but the supply is strained due to a bunch of factors. Just because "big oil" makes money doesn't make them evil. What about all the governmental and environmental controls on drilling and refineries in the US. They are the reason we are in trouble. No refineries built in over 30 years, no drilling anywhere because some rodent might be harmed, it's insane, why must you think every time some one makes money off of something they are inherently evil? Just because they run a business for profit, does that mean they shouldn't make money? Or have their profits capped? That's delving into communism.

Fluffy, Fluffy, Fluffy, wake up and smell the coffee. We are talking about real life, not high school economics. In school Economics made sense, if everything was run that way it would be great. But this is life. We consumers don't set the price for ANYTHING. The Egg board sets the price of eggs, the milk board sets the price of milk, the beef counsel sets the price of beef. Oil prices from the Arab world is set by OPEC. The gas prices in the US is set by the FTC. Why do you think everyone get up in arms when someone drops the price at the pump a lot lower than their competitors? The Government has all the subsidies that makes sure that no one undercuts someone else. The only example you can find today of a free open market where the comsumer truely controls the price is the farmers market or curb market, where you can haggle the price of produce.


At 12:14 PM, Blogger mojoala said...

Can't wait for Sarge's rebuttal on this one!

At 12:33 PM, Blogger porchwise said...

I'm all for bartering...it still works well out here in the country; that and neighborliness.
Here's a good barter plan for oil: Withdraw all our military from the eastern bloc, offer to barter all future arms, aircraft and training for their oil and offer to protect anyones borders in exchange for their oil. In a few months there'd be so many tankers headed our way you'd have to put traffic cops out in the ocean.

At 6:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do not even Get started on the Bottled water issue!. Ya know evain backwards is it NAIVE. :-) I think people are always going to be up in arms with something!


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