Tuesday, October 25, 2005



It appears that our Vice President Dick Cheney is the one responsible for the disclosure of Valerie Wilson as a CIA agent. Cheney wanted to know all he could about Joseph C. Wilson IV, who was questioning the truth behind the allegations that Iraq was looking to buy nuclear material for weaspons of mass destruction.

It appears that Cheney found out that Wilson's wife worked for the CIA from the then director, George J. Tenet. It is not known if Cheney knew she was an undercover agent or not, but it looks like the rumors are true; that all because Joseph Wilson went against the White House and couldn't back up their story that Saddam was looking to buy nuclear material, that they made Wilson pay for it by exposing his wife as an agent. And, by doingn so, they broke the "Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982."



At 11:49 AM, Blogger mojoala said...

Does this mean we could be looking at the execution of a Vice President for Treason?


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