Thursday, October 27, 2005


Sgt Fluffy said...

Wow,She wants even higher prices. Punish the high acheivers, thats the way to boost the economy

No one wants to punish a company from making a profit, that's what they are in business for, but when the profits are double and triple what they were the previous year, exspecially for an industry who claimed to be hurting because of the Hurricanes, they don't appear to be hurting so much. Not at much as the average consumer who has to pay those huge gas prices to eek out a meager living. Or for those of us who may have to choose between staying warm and eating.

Those who are stockholders in those companies are cheering because they get huge dividends. BUT, how many people will die this winter because they couldn't find a warm place to stay because they couldn't afford the heating oil or natural gas. The violins may have played for those oil companies if they had shown some kind of loss due to the storms, but NO, they show pots of gold. While they sit in the ivory towers looking down a the huddled masses trying to keep warm during the winter, they can afford those sky high heating bill.

The oil companies control the flow of oil into the country and by doing so control the price. Its all about the profits.


At 12:36 PM, Blogger mojoala said...

If there profits were based on the jacking of prices due to the Hurricanes? Yes sue the hell out of them.


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