Wednesday, October 12, 2005


whtfucover said...

Wonder when that happened......Cnat begin to imagine

Do the names Linda Chavez and Banard Kerik ring any bells? Linda Chavez was nominated for Labor Secretary when it was revealed that 10 yrs earlier she had an illegal alien as a nanny.


Same thing for Banard Kerik. As he was getting his papers in order before his confirmation hearings for Homeland Security Secretary, it was revealed that his nanny had questionable immigration status.


Or even Zoe Baird.


And there is Kimba Wood.

# U.S. District Judge Kimba Wood: Expected to be Clinton's second choice for attorney general, Wood withdrew her name from consideration two weeks after Baird. The New York judge said her baby sitter of seven years had been in the country illegally when she was hired in early 1986. Such employment was not against the law at the time. Wood stressed that she had broken no laws and had paid the required employment taxes.

Christie Whitman:

Christie Whitman: Chosen by President-elect George W. Bush to head the Environmental Protection Agency, Whitman disclosed in 1993, during her successful race for New Jersey governor, that she had employed two Portuguese native as household help for more than three years when they were in the country illegally. The political damage was limited, however, because her GOP primary opponent, former state attorney general Cary Edwards, soon disclosed that he had committed the same offense. Whitman and her husband John later paid more than $20,000 in back taxes and helped the couple pursue legal residency, which they obtained in 1991. They still work for the Whitmans.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein:

Just before she was elected in 1994, Feinstein was dogged by questions that her Guatemalan housekeeper in the early 1980s did not have a work permit. The California senator claimed the woman had proper papers, but it turned out that her work visa limited her employment to the Guatemalan consulate. Such a hire was not illegal at the time.

Michael Huffington:

Feinstein's challenger in the 1994 Senate race, Huffington's own campaign was damaged by his admission that he employed an illegal immigrant as a nanny for his two children from 1989 until 1993 -- after doing so became illegal. Huffington was a strong advocate of Proposition 187, which denies public services to illegal immigrants.



At 9:31 AM, Blogger porchwise said...

And it goes on still...good help is soooo hard to find in D.C. Even Mickey D. is paying well over the minimum wage and still can't find help.


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