Thursday, October 06, 2005


Tito said...

Unfortunately like many other cradle Catholics, her parents never passed on the Faith to her outside of attending Mass. They didn't take the time to teach her the Catechism, educate her on Catholic traditions, and talked to her about Catholicism in general. They probably just went and stood in Mass and went through the motions without understanding nor teaching her what is going on. I'm not saying ALL Catholics are lapse, I'm just saying that many Catholic parents don't take the responsibility of passing on the Faith. Hoping the public school or only attending Mass is sufficient enough.

Well, right now I can't attend Mass because I'm homebound for medical reasons, but my church has groups that make home visits on Sundays and the Priest come of First Fridays, so I enjoy that.

I grew up in a home with my father Catholic, my mom was country Baptist. They agreed that all us kids would be Catholic if my dad would be the one to carry us to church every Sunday. And that he did until we each confirmation. That came later for me than most because I didn't get my first Communion until I was 16, much later than most because everywhere we lived, classes were held at the church and they weren't handicapped accessible. But, when I was in the hospital one time, I had a Catholic Chaplin visit me and told me I could have classes at my house. So, he came to my house and taught me, before my first communion. I received my confirmation about a month later. Then my dad left it up to me if I wanted to go, but seeing I had to depened on him to take me, alot of times it depended on his mood if we went or not.

I was a pretty good Catholic, I wouldn't say great but pretty good, then I had a girlfriend that was murdered, and that hit me hard. Then I lost my mom to cancer but not before watching her suffer for 9 months. Then 4 yrs later, my dad dies of an infection. The priest that handled my father's funeral noticed I was angry and I told him I felt God was taking all those I loved away. He told me that it was okay to be angry with God. Now I never heard a priest ever say anything like that before in my life.

Well, I got married shortly after my dad died and eventhough my then wife promised we would get married in the Catholic church, she reneged on it. Four yrs later we parted ways and since then, I've had home visits from the church and receive communion each Sunday and First Fridays. Yes my religion is important to me, but unlike what I've seen from other religions, Catholics don't go door to door trying to recruit members. I have my beliefs but I don't push them on others. In fact until I brought up about Miers I don't talk about my faith. I will say this though, I was supposed to have died before I was a year old. Spina bifida was just being studied 44 yrs ago. I did died in the emergency room of Bapist South Hospital 3 yrs ago, twice, my heart stopped twice, but yet I'm still here. So, do I believe? Yes I do.


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