Monday, October 10, 2005



I've never liked Arlen Spector. He was a member of the Warren Commission that was suppoed to investigate the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The commission for a while tried to find a way to explain all the injuries to both Kennedy and TX Governor Connely with Lee Harvey Oswald being the only assassin and all shots being made in 6 seconds.

First of all, Oswald barely got his marksman pin in the Marines. The Manlicher-Carcano was a cheaply made rifle from WW II. The bolt action was difficult even for certified Markmen to operate. But the one theory associated to Spector and our former President Gerald Ford is the single bullet theory. They were the ones who claimed that Commission exhibit 399, a nearly prestine bullet, had entered Kennedy's back, exited his throat made a 90 degree turn, then made another 90 degree turn in the opposite direction before entering Governor Connellys back, exited his chest, smashing his wrist before entering his thigh. All the lead left behind in these wounds far exceeded the lead lost from the bullet found on a gurney supposedly used when they were working on Kennedy.

Only Arlen Spector and Ford know the truth and neither will say what it is.


At 11:07 AM, Blogger mojoala said...

that what happens when you have a republican investigating the death of democrat.

I wonder what the results would have been if dems were doing the investigation?

I am sure, if King George got assasinated today, the republican would be wanting a republican investigation. What do you think?

At 11:16 AM, Blogger mojoala said...

yeah, I like dem fancy bullets, dem make all kind of turns. Magine i could kill a coup of deer with one bullet. Hot digidy ya say ya got dem bullets from?

But back then, the public believed anything you told them. We are a heck of lot smarter then we were then, I doubt many would believe the single bullet theory without some graphical demostration such as what you see in CSI.


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