Sunday, October 09, 2005



I think alot of the problems that the evacuees suffer is from their own beliefs, not those that are trying to help them. In that article one woman was quoted.


Where is they taking us?" Nitayu Johnson, a hotel maid with a young daughter, remembered thinking. "They trying to slave us. They going to make us pick cotton. We gon' die."

Now, did anyone put chains on their ankles and tell them that they had to pick cotton? Sometimes those prejudice beliefs are of their own making. When people try to help them out, they take it as if they are being treated as a charity case which they claim they don't want. But yet, they came from a city where they were not holding a job or doing anything constructive, so whose fault that they have that image? Since Katrina went through, many of those who were living in poverty and not working are finding jobs in the places they settled into. Which means that they could have been working all along but were happy to be living off the government. Once everything gets settled, they have the choice of going back to New Orleans if everything is so awlful where they are at now. In fact the Mayor of New Orleans is begging many of them to come back.


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