Tuesday, September 20, 2005


mojoala said...

this infuriates me, he probably got a lighter charge because he was an ex US Marshall.

I would assume the Government again protecting one of it's own thugs....

Well, after 9/11/01, everyone in law enforcement on the federal level has been under a great deal of stress. Some can handle it and some can't.

Just like here in Montgomery, AL. Our mayor of 24 yrs Emory Folmar did away with the Minnosota Multiphasic Personality Inventory as part of the entry into the Montgomery Police Academy. The MMPI is a psychological test designed to detect those who could have violent outburst. While Folmar was mayor, the police dept. was a subtle as the Gestapo.

Since Bobby Bright has become mayor and re-instated the MMPI test, there has been a major change in police tactics. They no longer "shoot first and ask questions later." I'm not saying they are reckless or careless. Just that more people survive to go in front of a judge than before.

My point being, that maybe all those envolved in law enforcement should take the MMPI before they are given a gun. It doesn't mean they won't use it, just that they won't shoot everything in sight before assessing the situation.

porchwise said...

I think the nature of a U.S. Marshall's job drives them all toward a little, and sometimes a lot, of paranoia. This particular incident is new to me..do you have a source you could post? I'd like to read the whole story.

The title is the link and if it doesn't work, it was in the Washington Times, on Sept 15.


At 7:43 AM, Blogger mojoala said...

I am very personal with the MMPI.

When I was working as contract Health Physics Technician, I had to take that test at every job I did across the country.

Emory Folmar is alleged to have been the leader of the Montgomery Mafia. One of my stepdads was a weekend warrior for the police department. He claimed to have been a member of this mafia. I can see why he did away with it.

It needs to be brought back.


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