Wednesday, September 14, 2005


In the same article about the owners of the nursing home, it mentions how Gov. Blanco is still trying to pass off the duties of her office onto the Federal Gov't.

Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco said the pace of recoveries should have been much faster, however, and accused the Federal Emergency Management Agency of slowing the retrieval of the dead to the point where the contractor responsible for that work had threatened to pull out.

After days of news reports of bodies in the streets of New Orleans, Ms. Blanco, with palpable frustration, said the state would bypass FEMA and sign its own contract with the company, Kenyon Worldwide Disaster Management.

"In recent days, I have spoken with FEMA officials and administration officials to convey my absolute frustration regarding the lack of urgency and the lack of respect involving the recovery of our people whose lives were lost as a result of Hurricane Katrina," Ms. Blanco said at a news conference in Baton Rouge. "We have pleaded for contract resolution. In death, as in life, our people deserve more respect than they have received."

FEMA officials responded by saying that the recovery of bodies was a state responsibility, while the federal role was to assist state officials.

I think come election day, those who lost loved ones and their bodies were left on the streets or in houses for days or even weeks, should remember that the Mayor and Gov. were both given ample warning of the hurricane and they both failed to act to protect their citizens.

And for those who have been paying attention, the hurricane off the coast of North Carolina hasn't come ashore at the time of me writing this, but they already have the National Guard and emergency supplies in place for when it does. And they didn't have to wait for the President to tell them what to do.


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