Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Sgt Fluffy said...

No I am not a tobacco user, but what right do we have to condemn people who smoke. We have the right as consumers NOT to smoke. As for Gas, we have the RIGHT to demand from the government to relax the insane taxes and restrictions they put on the oil companies. As for supply and demand. We havent built a refinery in the states in decades because of enviros. We havent drilled in decades either (see reason above) Wouldnt it stand to reason if we had the "supply" we wouldnt be having this discussion? Now who's fault is it?

You're right and some states are rolling back their taxes. Some states tack on at much as 50 cents to a gallon of gas. And yes we need more refineries and something that was mentioned since the hurricanes is that what refineries we do have are all along the coastal regions, vunerable to hurricanes. Even Bush is looking for places to move them so the next big hurricane that comes through will not put them out of operation. And in a related but not on oil, they are now lifting the ban on building nuclear power plants and even Alabama is in the running for the next one to be built. Lets hope who ever builds it goes back and looks at all the problems Browns Ferry Nuclear Power Plant has had. They have had fires, shut downs, all kinds of problems. Those need to be addressed before building another one.


At 9:14 AM, Blogger mojoala said...

We have the same right to condemn people to smoke for the same reasons we condemn people who do things that are supposedly biblically wrong in the eyes of the conservative right.

Okay, take away all the taxes on tobacco and petrol, where is all the money going to come from that this money was used for? A federal handout? Surely not a federal tax hike? The money must come from somewhere and it does not grow on trees, so where should it come from?


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