Tuesday, September 27, 2005



NO, NO, NO, NO, this is not what they need to do. We need to train those on the local and state levels what their duties are in a natural or man made disaster. To the federal government, the guy that lives on 1313 Main street is a statistic. not a person. Those who are closer to the people need to be the first responders. They should be better equipped to know what areas need to most help. Not some bureaucrats in D.C.

Train the locals better and there shouldn't be another Katrina type problem.


At 2:23 PM, Blogger porchwise said...

Exactly right. Anyone who depends on the federal government to save their butts just isn't facing the reality of the times.

At 8:00 AM, Blogger mojoala said...

Train the locals? That will not work either. The police and firefighters are the first responders in any town. Look at the 400 policeman that hauled ass. You can train them all you want. Revert back to your previous post about Kings and it's subjects. We have set King George up in this country and we have elected to support his regime by our taxaxtion, in return the king uses his forces to protect his subjects.

If an azzhat thinks that we government should not protect and help it's subjects in need, then that government should done away with all aspects taken into consideration.

We support the kingdom with taxes. The kingdom uses it's knights and foot soldiers to protect us and help us.

It's just that simple.


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