Friday, September 23, 2005


mojoala said...

thay may tie in with the story from the same era that a man had created a carburetor that did get 100 mpg. I understand he was paid off. The oil barons would not have gotten rich as quick with this invention....

Actually that was the story I heard I just didn't remember if it was the entire engine or just the carburetor. I first heard the story when I was home schooled and was working on 8th grade U.S. History, then I heard the same story in high school History class. And not that Rita is heading for shore, there will be another spike in oil and gas prices. What I want to know is, they built the Alaskan pipeline to prevent another oil crisis, yet the U.S. ships that oil to the middle east to be processed, only for us to buy it back from them. Why not just bring the oil to the lower 48 states and do the refining here? That way the only people we would have to pay are the Americans working in the refineries. Its our oil in the first place since Alaska is one of our states, so we shouldn't have to pay anyone to refine it. When the pipeline opened, they claimed that a million barrels of oil came through every day. So, where is that oil today when we need it?

Totally in a different tangent but related, that's like the DeBeers corporation, you know, the diamond people? It has been rumored that if they released all the diamonds they own, diamonds would be worth 25 cents a piece. The price is high because they control the flow of diamonds into the U.S.

Its all about the bottom line.


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