Monday, May 08, 2006


Dennis said...

Its a publicly traded firm, they can't do it without the shareholders say. Did you know that a whole lot of retirement funds are tied into Exxon/Mobil. What about the people (mostly average Americans) who have this publicly traded stock in their portfolio? What would you say to them about their investment in a company that turned itself around from being unprofitable, to profitable? Because the company you invest in is successful we have to punish them and you?

See, that is why the Government is afraid of the oil companies. There are a lot of people's retirements tied into the oil companies. That's why the Government won't reign them in, because it would affect too many people's 401K plan. And if something were to happen to those plans, it would cost the politicians votes come election time.


At 8:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Government isn't afraid of the oil companies, Who do you think restricts them in the first place. They can't drill or explore anywhere off the coast or on the continent because of stupid environmental regulations, they are threatened every summer by "Big Congress" and every Summer the price goes up, then comes down, clockwork, its not them making a profit, its the regulation calling for 30 some odd blends and additive changes for Summer that cause the prices to go up. Once the supply is normal, the prices come right back down. Sure there was probably price gouging after Katrina, but that was from individual gas stations, not the Oil Companies. Wouldn't you think that if they would really want to stick it to us we would be paying 5 or 6 dollars by now? Lets do the nmath again,
Oil Companies -9cents profit on a gallon of gas

Federal Governmnet- 18.5 per Gallon

State Government- 5-30 per gallon

Who makes a bigger profit? You fail to see who the real problem is in the game. On one side we have a company (s) wanting to explore to obtain more of a commodity to sell worldwide and yes to profit, ot would be asinine to be in business not to. On the other side you have a government that restricts everything the comapny wants to do, cant drill here, cant explore there, takes 10 years to build a refinery, can't build storage tanks here, must upgrade tanks everywhere, all the regulations cause problems with the supply and prcessing of said supply. You have one guy that takes 400 mil as a retirement package because hey, he brought the company back from being unprofitable to profitable and now you want to punish him. Well, the shareholders also profited, do you want to punish them too? They could be people like you who either invested wisely or is part oftheir 401k package for their retirement. This company made a profit through hard work and determination, while the Government stands there with its hand out and demands by threat of force that the comapny hand over an amount specified by them. What did they do to earn it? Not a damn thin, zip, zilch NADA. This whole thing is a political stunt used by both parties to work the ill informed into a frenzy in order to get votes or score points plain and simple. What we need is change, we need to throw out or suspend the environmental regulations imposed by the Government and allow for the exploration and drilling of oil on the continental US. More supply, lower prices. Once again it is a commodity traded on a global scale. The market is Global,thus barrel price cannot be set by the Oil Companies. Blame Chavaz, the whacko in Iran, China and India's growing demand, Nigeria shutting down because of terrorists, Russia and Mexicos Corruption and Bolivia recently wanting to take over the oil fields and nationalize them and the US not allowing any new refineries or exploration and you have one hell of a mess right now.

Hawaiian Gas Caps
Removed less than 8 mos later

Where does the price come from?


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