Monday, May 08, 2006


dennis said...

If our government would allow for the suffocating restrictions put on the oil companies ability to drill and build refineries in this country, maybe we wouldn't be in this mess. Since 1972, the government and the greenies have created our dependency on oil by their restrictions, now, Mexico and China are drilling in the Gulf and we just sit there bitching about why we pay so much. You yourself are against drilling in Anwar, that's about 1 million barrels a day. Its a start, we need to build and explore, but the Earth first crowd is holding us back. BTW, were was the Government when Big Oil was laying off people in the 80's when oil was $10 a barrel and they were capping wells?

The Government's restrictions have been to protect the environment. But as I've said before, we don't have to be dependent on oil if they would put money toward alternative fuels. Right now the oil companies want to restrict ethanol to just an additive instead of bringing it to 85% mixture. And Willie Nelson has developed a bio-diesel, but the government is only letting him make and sell it in TX. And the best part about bio-diesel is that no petroleum products are involved. Its made from used cooking oil which you can get from any fast food restaurant. So, there would be no need for drilling and the environment wouldn't be impacted. In Brazil, they are making fuel from cane sugar. There are alternatives to fossil fuels, but the oil companies have their lobbyist that make sure we stay dependent on oil.


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