Wednesday, May 10, 2006


dennis said...

You know, the Communists started out with the whole class envy thing too....

True, and that was because there were fat cats living off the backs of the poor. The poor revolted and overthrew the fat cats. Seems like that needs to happen here too. BUT, that wasn't Karl Marx's intention.


What Karl Marx wanted was a level playing field between the rich and poor. Every one had a say in their Government too. Funny thing is, the closest model to Karl Marx's ideas are in England, where there is a House of Commons.


Although a considered a lower house of Parliment, it holds the most power. Its made up of ordindary people elected to serve. Not professional politicians.

But, getting back to "class envy", when the gap between lower and upper classes widen, that's when its ripe for a revolution, and this revolution may turn out to be a change in power in D.C. from the Republicans to the Democrats.


At 5:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Seems like that needs to happen here too"

Karl Marx's idea ruined the country also. Look at England as your example. Universal healthcare, womb to tomb coverage for all. The people are dependant on the Government for everything. There is no individual. The Republic set up by the founding Fathers is FOR the Individual, what you apparently are saying as that because individuals are making way too much money, then they, the rich, must have earned it ileagally. Am I right? Lets take a look at what our Government has done when it has tried to take over individuls lives.

-The Great Society of the 60's LBJ , Marxist idea, created a permanent undercalass of people with the welfare program. Most, not all who entered into the program fail to leave it, the Father was even replaced by the Government. Another reason that this program exists is because the Government feels these people are unable to care for themselves so the Government must be "The Parents". Also known as the War on Povery, status: Miserable Failure

-Social Security, FDR, This was another great entitlement program created to create another class of people dependent on the Governent. This program was created in order to provide Retirement for all workers. Good idea from the Governments perspective bacause people rarely lived 1 to 2 years past the retirement age at that time. What the Government failed to see was the increase of the lifespan, thus the system will fail, but Congress refuses to fix it because it is also a vote scaring scheme.

-Medicaid, Also signed into Law by LBJ. Another entitlement program to create another dependent class of people. Though it does provide for people who may need it, it has also created a large amount of fraud, and I mean Billions of $$ a year in fraud. Politicians also use this programs to scare constituents as they do Social Security.

All of the above programs are our Government stepping in and taking over individual lives. You said yourself that you would never go into a nursing home because you would never surrender your freedoms, but yet you want to punish others freedoms, For instance the main theme of the Declaration, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Yes it does say that all men are created equal, but it doesn't say that we must be forced to be equal. All men are given their freedom to pusure their dreams, not forced to pay for others to live out their lives in submission to the government. Yes, the above programs are a submission of certain rights to the Government, much like you do in a Communist state, surrender your rights to live free. Call me crazy, but when class envy rears its ugly head anywhere it is by people who want others money for free. What does the Government do to earn the restrictive taxes it imposes on businesses and the individual? Yes they provide for the defense of the states from foreign invaders, but thats about it. Income taxes were imposed by Lincoln to help pay for the war, then recinded. They were reinstated to help pay for WWII, but never were recinded, why, well to pay for the growth of government. Much like the Communist form of government, ours has grown to huge proportions and never shrinks, just grows and grows with no end in sight. Communism reaches into every aspect of peoples lives and controls them throught their lifespan. 45= million people died under Stalin for " the common good", do you really want to see that in our country? Think about it, the people who are fighting the Oil companies and stirring the class envy hornets nest are themselves Rich. Look at Castro, he is worth millions, even billions while his country starves, same for North Korea, the will of the people are gone. They are not free to be individuals, just die as a whole. Yes there are people who do gain wealth illegaly, (the Kennedys comes to mind, but do you really think all wealthy people are evil? Hell I am considered part of the evil rich, do you think I earned it illegaly? I work for someone who owns their own business(s) and one day he will be classified as the "evil rich", yet the one I work for gives half the profits to a charity he started. Is the charity now evil? Should we revolt? No, Because he, as an individual had a vision and was free to pursue that dream and I am sure the government punishes him every step of the way.


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