Monday, October 10, 2005


mojoala said...

that what happens when you have a republican investigating the death of democrat.

I wonder what the results would have been if dems were doing the investigation?

I am sure, if King George got assassinated today, the republican would be wanting a republican investigation. What do you think?

mojoala said...

yeah, I like dem fancy bullets, dem make all kind of turns. Magine i could kill a coup of deer with one bullet. Hot digidy ya say ya got dem bullets from?

But back then, the public believed anything you told them. We are a heck of lot smarter then we were then, I doubt many would believe the single bullet theory without some graphical demostration such as what you see in CSI.

As for the first part of your response, it was rumored even back then that Chief Justice Earl Warren had ties to the communist party and those who disagreed with the Warren Commission wondered why the President would assign someone who was suspected of being communist to investigate communist connections to the assassination.

As for the "magic bullet" theory, just about every book ever written on the assassination has a diagram showing how one shot could cause all those injuries, no matter how impossible it was for a bullet to travel that path. OR, how it could cause so many injuries and leave so much lead behind yet, still be almost pristine. The general public didn't by it then either.

I've researched the assassination ever since I was 11 yrs old and I've read just about every book on the subject. What i would like to see happen is before they die, I would like Ford and Spector to admit they had no evidence to back up their single bullet theory.


At 6:44 AM, Blogger mojoala said...

so would I, but we both know that is a pipe dream.

My guess is that these two are IVY league grads. My understanding has it that IVY leaguers are taught not to admit any wrong nor to apologize....

I also believe we never actually landed on moon. It was staged to convince the soviets of our air space superiority....

We have had a too long of history for doing illegal things for the sake of "NATIONAL SECURITY"....


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