Friday, July 23, 2004



Today it is reported that 19 personal from the Los Alamos lab have been suspended pending an investigation into the missing discs, and if the discs are not recovered, those same 19 people will be permanently terminated. Of these 19, 15 were suspended for violating security procedures and the other 4 for violating safety procedures. According to George P. Nanos, director of the lab, the workers at the lab have the attitude that they are so important that they will not lose their jobs, no matter what they do. He called it �suicidal denial� (see above link)


In a related story, energy secretary Spencer Abraham has issued a halt to all work being done in government contracted labs all across the country, to stop using the kind removable disc that were lost at Los Alamos, and to conduct an inventory of all classified material. Then these labs are to conduct weekly inventories and retrain their personnel on the proper handling of classified material. Besides Los Alamos in California, there are labs in a few other states; Tennessee, Idaho, Kansas and Illinois. There are also other facilities, such as: Argonne National Laboratory outside Chicago, IL; Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, NM; Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York, NY and the nuclear weapons plant in Oak Ridge, TN. (see link above)

It appears that after the fall of the Soviet Union, the level of security has dropped significantly all across the country. But, just because we don�t� have the �Big Red Bear� to worry about, doesn't mean we should let our guard down. As has been proven, our enemy now is not a country backed enemy, but one that is mobile and has their on agenda.


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