Wednesday, July 21, 2004



It seems strange that a former Security Advisor would go into the National Achieves and take documents that were not suppose to leave the reading room. Not only that, but to have made copies of these high security documents seemed highly irregular. Then for him to have removed some of the original documents and have to either recklessly misplaced or thrown such documents out, shows what kind of security this Nation has.

Could it be that Mr. Berger was trying to as they have been saying, re-write history? To take out evidence of some serious lapses in our national security that might have been the signs of thing to come? We may never know because these documents will never be recovered. Or could it be that Mr. Berger was gathering information that the Kerry camp needed, to use in their Presidential Campaign?

Mr. Berger should face criminal charges for theft of government property. His position of former Security Advisor to Clinton should have taught him the importance of security. But this shouldn�t surprise too many people; after all, the President of the United States, back in 1972 broke the law. I don�t believe that anyone in the government is totally honest.


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