Wednesday, July 21, 2004



Today it has been released that the 19 discs that are missing were in a safe outside of the security zone, near a soda machine down the hall, where anyone could access it. There weren�t even any security cameras in the area! Is anyone else getting just a little bit nervous about our national security? We might as well just open the flood gates and let everyone in and turn over all our security information to them. I�m sure they are getting it anyway.

I hate to say it but the United States needs people like J. Edger Hoover and Senator Joe McCarthy again. Hoover never trusted anyone, and had anyone even the slightly suspicious under surveillance. McCarthy and his �Red Scare� commission were worried about the communist attacking us from within. I hate to say it folks, but he was prophetic about being attacked from within but it wasn�t the communist, but the terrorist. And what have we done since 9/11/01? They make advances toward more security but then do stupid stuff that undermines what they�ve tried to accomplish. If Mr. Hoover and Mr. McCarthy were alive today, they would have rounded up every undocumented alien, ever student with an expired visa, anyone who didn�t legally belong in the US and sent them packing. Back before the year 1984, people were worried that Orwell�s book by that title would come true and �Big Brother� would be watching our every move. If there was a �Big Brother�, we wouldn�t have to worry so much about al-Quaida or OBL. It�s a balancing act, weighing civil liberties with national security.


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