Friday, July 23, 2004




They say that there are two sides to every story. Well, here there are two opinions on the same topic. Danielle Pletka says that we should take a hard line stance with Iran, sanctions and other possible means short of military to stop them from supporting Hezbollah and Hamas, and possibly al-Quaida

William Breenman, on the other hand, says that the United States should extent the olive branch and seek diplomatic relations with Iran.

It�s funny how the United States seems so to develop a case of amnesia when they want something in return. Japan, for instance; they pulled a surprise attack on Pear Harbor. After the war, we not only rebuild their country, but their economy too! And now they complete with us on the World Market. The same thing happened with Germany after WWI. Money was diverted from our own economy to help build Germany�s. Then, once they were up and running again, then attention was brought back to the American market, which had cut its staff while Germany was rebuilding. That meant that manufacturers couldn�t keep up with the demand, but couldn�t afford to hire more people to keep up with the demand. A lot of companies folded. And the runs on the banks, because no one was investing in the American economy, what little was in the banks were used to built what was being built at that time. People didn�t realize that when you put money into a bank, it doesn�t stay there physically in the bank. It gets loaned out to many different businesses. And these businesses pay back the money with their profits. What is in your account is backed by the banks accounts receivables accounts. The FDIC, guarantees those accounts.

Anyway, that is totally digressing. The point is, Iran, back in 1979, took 53 Americans hostage, paraded them around in public and held them for 444 days. And we are supposed to act like it didn�t happen!!! Or even better yet, Vietnam. We were at war with them for 10 years, over 58,000 Americans killed, thousands held prisoner and tortured. All these things were forgotten when the United Stated wanted to build political and economic ties with them.

And now they want to normalize relations with Iran? We better be watching our backs where they are concerned.


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