Sunday, June 20, 2004


Its been reported on all news outlets that the Saudi security forces had found and attempted to capture Abdelaziz al-Muqrin, the man who appeared in the video tape with Paul M. Johnson Jr., they had kidnapped and later beheaded. This took place hours after word that al-Muqrin had carried out his threat of beheading Johnson.

My question is, if they found him within hours of Johnson's execution, why couldn't they find al_Muqrin in the 72 hour period to Johnson's death? I have found several articles asking the same question, is Saudi Arabia a friend or foe?

In one Article in the Cato Institute (August 13, 2202), it states that some members of the Pentagon and Vice President Dick Cheney's own staff feel that Saudi Arabia is an enemy.

They feel that American's involvement in the rebuilding of Iraq and establishing relations with Iraq, would threaten Saudi Arabia's control over the oil market. With Sadam Hussein gone, America would no longer be dependent on Saudi's oil and they would lose power.

But because right now we need their oil, we look the other way when Saudi Arabia supports and finances terrorism. After all, Osama Bin Laden is a Saudi. And not long ago, one if his brothers was financing OBL.

So, yes they killed the supposed leader of a branch of al-Qaeda., that had captured and beheaded an American contractor, but why not simply take him in as they did 12 other members of that group?


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