Friday, June 18, 2004

Responding to Dennis

In response to Dennis, I agree. Even back in World War II, the Japanese tortured POW. There was the Bataan Death March. Bataan Death March

Over 100,000 troops were taken prisoner at Bataan, these prisoners were forced to march. The march started on April 10, 1942, at Mariveles, on the island of Luzon in the Philippines and ended at Camp O'Donnell, 100 miles away. In the process, over 70,000 prisoners were starved, beaten, or bayoneted to death.

Japan also conducted experiments on prisoners of war, including chemical and germ warfare, and even dissection.

Unit 731 by David Guyatt

Although I can't confirm it from the Internet, I heard from several sources when I was in school, that thanks to Japan, our knowledge of embryology was due to the fact that the Japanese conducted experiments where they dissected pregnant women at different stages of pregnancy. And as the above article states, they even experimented on live subjects to study frostbite but subjecting prisoners to sub zero temperatures. Then dissecting limbs to see the effects.

While the Germans were condemned for their death camps and Dr. Josef Mengele and his twins studies, the Japanese were given a silent nod for their advancement of medical science.

Then came the Korean and Vietnam wars, or police actions, as they were called. The North Koreans sent prisoners of war to China and Russia to be beaten and experimented on.

In Vietnam, they would be tied with their arms behind them and then had the raised until their sockets popped. Even put in what they called a tiger cage and put in the middle of a village for people to throw things at them, or poke at them with sharp sticks

And now we have Iraqi's. And even the Saudi's, who as of today, have beheaded two Americans. So, why should we take the moral high ground at the expense of American lives?


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