Thursday, June 17, 2004


Well, Donald Rumsfeld may not have known about the torture of prisons at Abu Grhaib, but he cannot deny knowledge that an Iraqi prisoner was kept off all prisons list, eventhough he has been held since November of last year.

The New York Time>Rumsfeld Issued Order to Hide Iraq Detainee - Report

According to today's New York Times, orders were written to hold an officer of Ansar al-Islam at Camp Cooper, a detention center near the Baghdad International Airport. And that his name not appear on any prisoners list given to the International Red Cross or anyone else. According the article these orders originated with George Tenet, The CIA Director who resigned last month

This prisoner is supposed to be a top officer of Ansar al-Islam, a group that reportedly has strong ties with al-Qaeda. and have been responsible for attacks on American interests in and around Iraq. Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba, the officer who investigated Abu Ghraib, says that the practice of ghost prisoners is against Army Doctrine and is a violation of International law.

What is unclear is that while they've had this Ansar al-Islam officer in custody since November, he has only been questioned once and that was shortaly after he was brought to Camp Cooper. If he has valuable knowledge, why isn't anyone trying to get it out of him?


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