Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Flight KAL-007

Out of all the stories and accomplishments of Ronald W. Reagan, one story wasn't talked about much and is one of the biggest mysteries surrounding his administration, Korean Flight 007, that was reportedly shot down over Soviet air space. We know from previous actions from President Reagan that he didn't not tolerate the loss of American lives, especially those not involved in military action. So, why was he so accepting of Gorbachev's explanation of the events that occurred, that the plane had crossed into Soviet air space and after several attempts to communicate with the pilot, the plane was shot down. According to the October 1993 issue of The American Spector, the crew had neglected to reset their automatic pilot after leaving Alaskan airspace, and few a direct heading which took it over Kamchatka, near the time of a scheduled test of a new ICBM.

Now, as flight 007 was nearing Soviet air space, a RC-135 spy plane, which hand been circling outside Soviet air space, headed home to refuel. Now, this is my opinion, but I grew up in the Air Force, and usually a plane on recon duty doesn't leave its station until another one replaces it.

Now I know I can't document this either but when I was in the hospital in Lackland AFB, I met a man there as a patent. We got to talking about military service and he showed me his ID card and asked if I noticed anything different about it. It had a DC stamp on it. He was Naval Intelligence. After the plane was shot down, he said he couldn't say where, but that the US has listening stations outside the Soviet Union and that the US knew exactly what transpired but they couldn't say because by doing so would give away their secret. He knew about these stations because he worked at them. They listen to all military communications. These are different than the wire taps the US had done on the communications cable under the sea.

So, if it was just pilot error, why was Lawrence P. McDonald D. GA. a staunch anti communist on that flight. According to Insight magazine (June 15, 2204) the amount of debris and body parts isn't consistent with an airliner with over 200 passengers on board. Inconsistent with debris from other airlines that had hit the water.

Adding fuel to the mystery, another author trying to get and the truth has uncovered reports that Flight 007 was flying without its exterior lights on.

(Mystery of flight KAL-007: Izvestia investigation, Andrej Illesh, 1191)

Also according to that article, flight KAL-007 continued for 30 minutes after being hit with a missile. The pilot claimed it was a RC-135 he shot at, not a Boeing 474.

Twenty one years later, no one still knows why a plane that flys mostly by computer could have been so off course and the crew not know that it got shot down for flying over Soviet air space and why Reagan, who thought of the Soviet Union as "the evil Empire" didn't do more to find out the truth.


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