Friday, May 28, 2004

Power Stuggle

At the begining of our Memorial weekend and the first true weekend of the summer, there is a power struggle going on in Washington DC over who is the top law enforment agent. Constitutionally is John Ashcroft. Attorney General of the United States. But after 9/11, Bush appointed Tom Ridge with homeland security. Yet the word about the seven possible terrorist that are possibly in the US and planning to attack us internally, it was Ashcroft who was on TV making the annoucement. Tom Ridge found out about it the same way the rest of us did, off the TV. Instead of trying to "one up" each other in Washington, they need to be working together to protect us from the people. I would have thought by this time, they would have all the kinks worked out of the system and have it working like a well oiled machine.

To answer your question Gabe, yes, it was on all the networks and on

(CBS/AP) When Attorney General John Ashcroft announced the latest terror warning, the rest of the government -- including the Department of Homeland Security -- heard the details on television" May 28, 2004

But the next day, the two of them got together at a news conference and said there was no infighting going on between the two groups.


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