Tuesday, May 25, 2004


Everyone is talking about Iraq, but the biggest news not many are talking about is that the FBI apologized to Brandon Mayfield, the Oregon attorney, for linking him to the train bombings in Madrid, Spain last month. Can anyone recall when the FBI ever apologized to anyone for what they did?

Remember O'Ferrelll, the junk dealer, whose life the FBI turned upside down, accusing him of the mailbombing of US Appeals court judge Robert Vance. As a result of their accusations, he lost his business, his wife and had a heart attack. It took the FBI 2 yrs, and the conviction of Walter Leroy Moody before they admited that they made a mistake. And the only possible link was that a typewritter that O'Ferrell once owned was used to write the letter that was with the bomb.

In Spain, they had a fingerprint. supposedly a ironclad connection. Only that the fingerprint lab made a mistake. At a time when the law enforcement agencies are supposed to be opperating at peak performance, can we afford mis-identifying possible terrorist?


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