Thursday, May 27, 2004

training camp

Well, I had intended to stay away from Iraq and the war on terrorism, but now there is word that a Cleric, Mustafa Kamel Mustafa was eyeing Oregon as a place to build a terrorist training camp. Some of you may not remember, but it has been done before.

Back in the 80s there was this charismatic self proclaimed sheik, Bhagwan Shree Rajeesh. He was sort of like the Gurus of the 60s who always had a group of chanting followers that went anywhere the sheik did. Rejeesh and his merry group of followers settled into a farm in a small town of Antelope, OR. No one knew what to think of this group of guitar playing, dancing flower children that seemed to be two decades late for the party. Some were even happy they came to town because the women of this group often sunned themselves in the nude on the rocks on the edges of their compound. What the people of Antelope didn't know at the time, was that this seemingly peaceful group of people had plans for poisoning the food of near by towns.

"Cult members once sickened 700 residents of The Dalles after lacing restaurant salad bars with salmonella. Cult members were also accused of plotting to kill a U.S. attorney" The Associated Press/April 24, 2000

By Joseph B. Frazier

Rajeesh was later arrested of conspircy to commit murder of a U.S. attorney and the rest of the group disbanded in 1985

So, now another radical wants to set up camp in Oregon. I don't know about you, but I kind of mis the days of David Koresh and the Branch Davidians. At least he was preaching the bible not terrorism and bombs


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