Wednesday, May 26, 2004

the story that wasn't

not much different going on in the world today but the same war and investigation, but here is a story that really wasn't the big headliner that everyone thought it would be.

Bill Cosby was in Washington, DC commerating Brown Vs the Board of Education. When he got up to make his speech, he said the problem with todays black youth is that there isn't much parenting going on. that parents would rather go spend $200, on a pair of sneakers than $50 on Hook on Phonics. Well all the news agencies. NBC, CBS, ABC (those are the only ones I see on my tv) plus the web news links, thought that it would bring an up roar from the public, but it never happened. On the Today show. the only response were from two black leaders who more or less agreed with Cosby. Even Matt Lauer tried to get an arguement going about it and no one would bite. but its not a racial thing. its a parental thing. Years ago there was a column in psychology today headlined "Johnny cant read" citing all the problems with education. About 6 yrs ago the same headline appeared, but this time they cited that parents give into their kids with video games and computers. No one knows how to pick up and read a good story instead of turning one on the TV. I inherited my love for reading from my mother. and by the time I was in 3rd grade I was reading on the 8th grade level. want to help a kid out? buy him a book and teach him to read it.


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