Sunday, May 14, 2006


Karen Y said...

I have to disagree with the comment sounding abrasive. That comment sounded like it wasn't thought all the way through. Not every individual is given the same opportunities in life. It is unrealistic to think society is compassionate enough they would jump in and take care of those that truly are in need. Yes, the programs do need to be revamped to discourage fraud; however, does that mean we punish people who truly need help?

What about the man who worked 30 years to make sure he had benefits in his golden years only to have them taken away because the company goes bankrupt? What about the person who is disabled and is passed over job after job because society tends to hire "normal" people? What about the family that is left behind when a spouse dies? What about the family that is faced with job layoffs?

The point I am trying to get across is there are situations that arise in life no one can control. It would be a wonderful world if everyone wanted to chip in and help their fellow man. That is not ever going to happen. I believe government entitlement programs are necessary and because someone may be down on their luck does not make them any less of a person. As a nation we cannot take away from those that require help to survive. The government needs to set in place standards to weed out all the people who swindle the monies including the employees.

You're right. Not helping those in need would be the same was letting those in the water after a ship wreck to drown because they couldn't swim well enough to reach safety. No matter what kind of programs are set up, you will find those who are lazy and try to take advantage of the situation. Look at the "People with Disabilities Act." There are those who are overweight to no ones fault but their own and yet they think the act applies to them. So, in their mind they are disabled and should be given preferential treatment due to that disability. Handicapped parking is another case. Its supposed to be for those who are physically disabled, but I've seen people use them and their disablity was that they were pregnant. There are those looking for a free ride, but that shouldn't mean that those who seriously need the assistance shouldn't get it.


At 6:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"That comment sounded like it wasn't thought all the way through."

We as a people should not rely on government as a cure all. Why should we pay for failing programs? Why don't they revamp them or do away with them all together? Instead they throw more and more of our money at the problem and not fix it. There have been efforts to re align and actually privatize, but they have been met with uber opposition to any changes. The programs in question were brought about by well intintioned people so they could feel better about themselves it doesn't matter that it didn't work, they at least feel better, thats basically what your saying right? Life sucks, its not meant to be fair. You go with the hand your dealt and it is up to you to play it. The individual is a powerful person, but when we are sorted into groups and classes, the individual is no longer allowed to thrive and the will of that individual is lost. The government has greated a permanent underclass that relies on the government from womb to tomb. I am not against the church or privately funded charities stepping in to help. How do you think it worked before the great society was forced upon us? Yeah there were state run agencies and there still should be but the Federal Government should just stay out. I am done with this thread as of tonight. One day I hope you will see things differently.


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