Saturday, May 13, 2006


Dennis said...

Name one Government entitlement program that hasn't failed regarding the poor and the homeless. The war on Poverty was supposed to end poverty, but there are as many if not more poor today. Also, Poor buy US standards for a lot of people men they only have 2 TV's. Yes there are exceptions to the rule. THere are those that fight to get out of poverty, but the Government programs dissuade alot of people fro getting out from under the welfare programs. Time and time again there has been efforts to reform these programs but they were met with cries of "elderly are going to be eating dog food" or" this is only to benefit the wealthy". These are cries of socialists who use scare tactics to keep their ideas alive. Why wont the Congress revamp the system to help lift people up? That is my question.

They haven't failed the poor, just that some people have taken pointers from the rich and found loopholes in the system so that they can cheat on it. Set up any program and you'll find those who try to circumvent it. BUT, Clinton, during his administration, eliminated thousands from the welfare rolls by having them to PROVE that they were unable to work. When it was found that most were physically capable of working, they were taken off the rolls. That saved alot more of the Government's money than Reagan's "trickle down" theory. And yes there were and still are elderly and disabled eating dog food and what ever they can get because the Government doesn't think they should give the elderly and disabled enough money to live off of. I would love to see those like Bill Gates and others in his league try living off 8 grand a year.

Maybe we should bring back the Hoovervilles of the 1920s and '30s.



At 6:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"They haven't failed the poor"

Yes they have, There are still porr and there is no way out for them, good example, look at the projects in any city, the Federal and State Government fail these people every day by keeping them in perpetual poverty. Government is not the answer to every problem. Once again, the scariest words you'll ever hear are "I'm From the Government and I'm here to help" (Ronald Reagan)


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