Friday, May 12, 2006


Dennis said...

No where in the Constitution does it say free healthcare....It may sound abrasive, but people did rely on christion charities and their fellow man before the ACLU and the liberals decided that people were too stupid to care for themselves. America was built upon faith, faith in man to do what was right. Government running entitlement programs is not right. It is not the job of the government to do these things.. Social Security is the Government saying you are too stupid to invest your own money. Medicaid is the Government saying we will be your caregiver, you must rely on us. Welfare is the government saying you are unable to make it on your own, we know whats best for you, just stay in your place and we will be just fine. If these programs are so wonderful, why does our government resist changing them. Do you trust any program the government runs? The scariest words you will ever here are "I'm from the government and I'm here to help" (Ronald Reagan)

As for Enron, the peolple who did commit crimes were prosecuted, as far as I know, the Kennedy's have not.

As for Jamestown, they triedcomunal thing and you know what, the people only grew what they had to, no more no less and they paid for it with their lives. Utopias never work, history has tought us that.

After this many years of knowing me, I thought you knew my disability stops at my legs not my brain. Being dissbled has nothing to do with being too stupid to take care of ones self. As you are well aware of I'm college educated, thank you. It has to do with giving the assistance needed so those who can, will be able to do MORE for themselves. Otherwise, tear up the ramps and handicapped accessable parking. afterall, they aren't constitutionally guarranteed the right to drive. or to enter public buildings. Take the votes away from the women and the blacks, they aren't "entitled" by the consitution.


At 2:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Name one Government entitlement program that hasn't failed regarding the poor and the homeless. The war on Poverty was supposed to end poverty, but there are as many if not more poor today. Also, Poor buy US standards for a lot of people men they only have 2 TV's. Yes there are exceptions to the rule. THere are those that fight to get out of poverty, but the Government programs dissuade alot of people fro getting out from under the welfare programs. Time and time again there has been efforts to reform these programs but they were met with cries of "elderly are going to be eating dog food" or" this is only to benefit the wealthy". These are cries of socialists who use scare tactics to keep their ideas alive. Why wont the Congress revamp the system to help lift people up? That is my question.

At 10:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to disagree with the comment sounding abrasive. That comment sounded like it wasn't thought all the way through. Not every individual is given the same opportunities in life. It is unrealistic to think society is compassionate enough they would jump in and take care of those that truly are in need. Yes, the programs do need to be revamped to discourage fraud; however, does that mean we punish people who truly need help?

What about the man who worked 30 years to make sure he had benefits in his golden years only to have them taken away because the company goes bankrupt? What about the person who is disabled and is passed over job after job because society tends to hire "normal" people? What about the family that is left behind when a spouse dies? What about the family that is faced with job layoffs?

The point I am trying to get across is there are situations that arise in life no one can control. It would be a wonderful world if everyone wanted to chip in and help their fellow man. That is not ever going to happen. I believe government entitlement programs are necessary and because someone may be down on their luck does not make them any less of a person. As a nation we cannot take away from those that require help to survive. The government needs to set in place standards to weed out all the people who swindle the monies including the employees.


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