Wednesday, November 09, 2005



Former Iraqi exile and now deputy prime minister Ahmad Chalabi arrived in Washington yesterday to talk to American officials and hopefully answer the demand by Senate Democrats that he testify about his knowledge of pre-war intelligence.

Chalabi is scheduled to visit with Secretary Condolezza Rice, treasury Secretary John W. Snow and Stephen J. Hadley, National Security Advisor in an effort to smooth over relations with the Bush administration. Chalabi is also rumored to be meeting with VP Dick Cheney.

Chalabi isn't the only official from Iraq visiting the Nation's Capital, Adel Abdul Mahdi, a Vice President in Iraq and Chalabi's main rival for power is also visiting at the same time.

It was Chalabi that told the Bush administration about Hussein's weapons of mass destruction, which was the main purpose for the war. But all the information that Chalabi fed to the US turned out to be false once the war started.

It's widely believed that Chalabi is and opportunist that goes which ever the winds are more favorable to him.


At 6:27 AM, Blogger Mary Hogan said...

I'm just waiting for the day that Condolezza Rice...puts on her birka and admits that she is....a Saudi.


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