Sunday, August 01, 2004



Someone tell me if I�m reading this wrong. The government wants to stop the subsidies that go to our farmers so that foreign farmers can export their produce to our country. First of all, and this is totally my opinion, since some of my family member are farmers, that it used to be the first farmers that brought their produce to the market basically set the price. Because they were first to market, they got the best price. Those who came later were judged on the quality of their produce and amount. Anyone who saw the movie �Field of Dreams� remembers that Sally Field was in a hurry to get her cotton to market so she could get the best price.

Subsidies came along and set the price across the board, whether you were first or last to market and sometimes didn�t grow the crop, you were paid a certain amount. I had a co-worker at Home Depot who also farmed. He grew soybeans and other crops. As soon as his crop started growing, someone from the agricultural board came by, viewed his fields and set the price per acre based on the amount of crops he had growing. Then he had to make sure that those particular crops produced the projected yield. Not taking into account drought, excessive rainfall, crop damage through insects and nature. Of course, some farmers have crop insurance which protects their projected income. But it�s the big farmers, such as National news reporter, Sam Donaldson, who owns several farms, who can afford this crop insurance and can wait out any fluctuations in the market.


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