Wednesday, August 11, 2004



I know many people have been comparing Iraq to Vietnam, but this article shows on definite similar aspect of the two wars. In Vietnam, no one knew who was friendly and who was VC. The same thing is happening in Iraq. They Iraqi forces complain that they are under equiped. but I believe the American forces aren't willing to turn over heavier arms to them until we can be sure that these same arms will not be turned against American forces.

American forces armed the South Vietnamese only to have those same people we were helping, gun down American soldiers.

My dad used to tell a story about when he was in Nam, at Da Nang to be percise. On that base there was a South Vietnamese barber who cut all the soldiers' hair and even used a straight razor to shave them. Once day my dad saw the body of that barber on the fence surrounding the base. When he inquired as to why the barber was killed, me dad was told that during the night, the guard on watch saw the barber stepping out the position of the gun placements and ammo dump for a rocket attack by the VC.

So, yes there is a definite comparison, in both countries its hard to tell friend from foe.


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