Thursday, August 05, 2004



Acoording to the article, due to national security, the Nuclear Regulartory Commission will no longer make public any lapses in security that have been uncovered during inspections. They state that those who want to so us harm, can use those lapses and ways to get access to our nuclear power plants. Other's feel that keeping that information secret will only increase the distrust that the public has with the NRC and the safely of our nations nuclear power plants, and of those living near them. After Three Mile Island (1979), the public is concerned about their health and safety and feel they have a right to know if there is a need to be concerned. In 1979, the public wasn't warned until there was a release of radioactivity because of the malfunctiion of a valve.


Because the public wasn't notiifed until after the release of radioactivity, they have distrusted the NRC to keep them warned of potiential harm.


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