Saturday, December 03, 2005



When I heard this story, it first reminded me of the John Travolta, Nicholas Cage movie, Face Off. But, as the doctors explained, its the underlying bone structure that gives faces their individual characteristics. So, this isn't any different that taking skin grafts and putting them on burn patients. And its not for people who what to disguise who they are, but for those who have suffered serious burns or scaring. Which reminds me of a case a long time ago and I can't even begin to know how to find information about it, but it was a case where the parents of this one boy was getting a divorce and the father didn't want to let his son go, so he kidnapped him and when the police were about to break down the door, that father set his son on fire, causing severe burns to his face and hands. For months if not years the boy had to were a mask to protect the underlying tissue on his face. His hands now look like crab claws. With this kind of surgery, he might could have a regular looking face instead of all the scar tissue that now covers it.


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