Sunday, September 25, 2005



I know some of you will think I'm crazy for saying this but I miss the Cold War days. Back when we were worried about Russia sending missiles to us, we had fall out shelters and evacuation plans.

Although we have since learned that those shelters wouldn't hold up to a nuclear attack, they could have held up do a category 4 and possibly 5 hurricane. And some of those shelters, they were stocked with food and water supplies. Grant it they were WW II C-rations but when there isn't any food available, they are better than nothing.

And they city, state and federal governments used to plan on how to evacuate a city if needed to. Since the Cold War ended, we forgot all about fall out shelters, evacuations, emergency food and water stores. When there isn't a constant threat hanging over our heads, we become complacent. We let our guard down and then when disaster hits, we don't have the faintest clue on what to do.

Heck, they have had disaster movies for years, about meteorites hitting the earth, about volcanoes, about tornadoes, about a fictional hurricane classified as a category 10; hasn't anyone in Washington D.C. paid attention to any of these movies? I mean, they all showed how difficult it is to evacuate a huge city. Yet our Government hasn't done anything to improve the situation. Something needs to be done and done soon becasuse all this is being broadcast all over the world and all those who wish us harm are taking notes.


At 8:54 AM, Blogger mojoala said...

I particularily did not like the statement made by some evacuees about the new C-Rations. Somebody should've said:

"If it's good enough for the soldiers in Iraq, it's good enough for you!"


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